- decinormal solution
- Полимеры: децинормальный раствор
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
decinormal solution — tenth normal s … Medical dictionary
decinormal — /des euh nawr meuhl/, adj. Chem. (of a solution) containing 1/10 the equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution. [1860 65; DECI + NORMAL] * * * … Universalium
decinormal — One tenth of normal, denoting the concentration of a solution. * * * deci·nor·mal .des ə nȯr məl adj of a chemical solution having one tenth of the normal strength … Medical dictionary
decinormal — /dɛsiˈnɔməl/ (say desee nawmuhl) adjective Chemistry (of a solution) containing one tenth of the equivalent weight of the constituent in question in one litre of solution …
decinormal — |desə+ adjective Etymology: deci + normal of a chemical solution : having one tenth of the normal strength … Useful english dictionary
standard solution — noun : a solution having a standard or accurately known strength that is used as a reagent in chemical analysis * * * standard solution noun A solution of known concentration, used for purposes of comparison, commonly containing the equivalent,… … Useful english dictionary
déci- — ♦ Préfixe, du lat. decimus « dixième », qui divise par dix l unité dont il précède le nom (symb. d) : décimètre (dm). ● déci Préfixe SI (symbole d) qui divise par 10 l unité devant laquelle il est placé. déci élément, du lat. decimus, dixième… … Encyclopédie Universelle